Parents & Committee Association
OSHC Sub Committee
Please visit the P&C Website for more information on the P&C as a whole!
The Telopea Primary P&C is an active and effective parent body within the school organisation. It meets once a term and is crucial in supporting the school financially and socially via a variety of functions throughout the year.
Our 2024-2025 Committee
Stuart Wilson
Vice President (Chair of OSHC)
Roles and Responsiblities of the President:
Provide leadership to the P&C committee
Chair all general and executive committee meetings for the SubCommittee
Act as a spokesperson for the Out of School Hours Care organisation
Report at meetings about the activities of OSHC
Supervise broadly the work of the other office bearers
Ensure the effective communication between the members of the Forrest P&C Association and the Executive leaders of the School and members of the Forrest Primary School Board
Encourage parents to participate.
Supervising the Executive Director (ED), who is directly responsible for the day-to-day management of FCS
Negotiating the ED’s remuneration package