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Parents & Committee Association 
OSHC Sub Committee 

Please visit the P&C Website for more information on the P&C as a whole!

The Telopea Primary P&C is an active and effective parent body within the school organisation. It meets once a term and is crucial in supporting the school financially and socially via a variety of functions throughout the year.

Our 2024-2025 Committee 

Stuart Wilson

Vice President (Chair of OSHC)

Roles and Responsiblities of the President:

  • Provide leadership to the P&C committee

  • Chair all general and executive committee meetings for the SubCommittee

  • Act as a spokesperson for the Out of School Hours Care organisation

  • Report at meetings about the activities of OSHC

  • Supervise broadly the work of the other office bearers

  • Ensure the effective communication between the members of the Forrest P&C Association and the Executive leaders of the School and members of the Forrest Primary School Board

  • Encourage parents to participate.

  • Supervising the Executive Director (ED), who is directly responsible for the day-to-day management of FCS

  • Negotiating the ED’s remuneration package

Have your say! Join our subcommittee!

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